Friday, October 9, 2009

God Hears Your Cry! (Gun Powder!)

When you are fighting for something or for someone, it will basically take all of your might, strength, & power that's in you to continue the fight. That's why you FEEL as if you want to give up & that there's no hope for your situation because it is physically, mentally, & emotionally draining you.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream. In the dream, many people & I were being attacked & chased by the enemy. We were all running, ducking, & hiding. I mistakenly ran into the enemy (face to face). I quickly turned & ran away. While running, the enemy aimed a gun at my back & shot the gun at me. I was sure that I was about to die BUT!!!!!!!!!! God intervened & caused the bullet to shatter into thin air. As I looked at the bullet shattering, it began to transform itself back together again.
The bullet turned AROUND & went in the direction of my enemy. I heard the Spirit of the Lord say at the beginning of Sept. that He is Diverting (distracting, changing, turning away) the plans of the enemy. God IS Diverting the plans of your enemies! Wait on the Lord! Great deliverance is coming. He gave GREAT deliverance to the children of Israel from Egypt. He can do the same with a Marriage, Finances, etc.

Your afflictions (sufferings) are breaking you down like gun powder (gun powder is very fine particles). The gases produced by burning gun powder generates (makes) enough pressure to propel (to push, to destroy) a bullet BUT not enough to destroy a gun barrel. You are the gun barrel. God has given you enough power (HEAT) to destroy your enemy. God's power (POWDER) is so consuming that it will be enough to destroy your enemy but He wont allow it to destroy you, the gun barrel. His power will sustain you. Speak His word & pray. It is your gun powder!!!

Exodus 3:7-10

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To God be the Glory,
Signed AKD

Why Are My Trials So Intense, LORD?!!

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the firey trial that is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you, says the Lord. But REJOICE to the extent that you partake of Christ's SUFFERINGS, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding JOY! 1st Peter 4:12-13.

Do you feel as if God has no plan or future for your life? (Jermiah 29:11) Are you wondering where is the sunshine, Lord? Is ALL hope gone? Why am I suffering so much?

These are only a few questions which come into our mind when we are going thru a test or trial in life. You may feel as if your trials & tests are all for nothing. But what is a testimony without a test? You may feel as if you have all the right words, the right scriptures, & the right things to say to someone else who has problems but it's not working for you or for your situation.You may seem as if you are living this life to encourage others & your own life is a mess with no encouragement in sight. But there is hope! Hope & joy in Jesus Christ! The joy of the Lord is your strength! Continue to Lean on Him in the tough times in your life. While leaning on Him, your total dependency on Him will re-direct your focus to His will & away from your problems.

Your trials & tests may be so severe & so intense that you feel it's too much to continue on. (Yes, You Can!) You may have asked the Lord for a deeper, higher calling & He is giving you what you have desired. God knows HOW MUCH you can bear. Some may have asked for the higher calling (any Hannahs or Jabez reading), some may have dreams & visions about your calling (any Zechariahs, Josephs, or Samuels reading), some may hear God speak things into their spirit about their calling (any Jeremiahs, Ezekiels, or Isaiahs reading), or God may speak to you face to face (any Moses or Abrahams). Either way you are doomed for a GREAT DESTINY!

It's only to make you into the vessel that He desires in order for you to be able to stand like a tree by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither. AND whatever you do SHALL prosper. Psalm 1:3.

Don't allow the enemy to deceive you. Keep trusting in the Lord. You have someone else's break thru in this test & trial. Stay focused. Get alone with the Lord. Determine to know Him & His voice. Get alone with Him to weed out everything & every voice that you are hearing. Sometimes you may not know which direction to go. You may be confused & start to question God because someone else or something else has gotten into your spirit. But the solution is to get by yourself ALONE with God to weed out every voice so that He will direct your path according to Proverbs 3:5-8.

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Soli Deo gloria, (Glory to God Alone)
Signed AKD