Friday, October 9, 2009

God Hears Your Cry! (Gun Powder!)

When you are fighting for something or for someone, it will basically take all of your might, strength, & power that's in you to continue the fight. That's why you FEEL as if you want to give up & that there's no hope for your situation because it is physically, mentally, & emotionally draining you.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream. In the dream, many people & I were being attacked & chased by the enemy. We were all running, ducking, & hiding. I mistakenly ran into the enemy (face to face). I quickly turned & ran away. While running, the enemy aimed a gun at my back & shot the gun at me. I was sure that I was about to die BUT!!!!!!!!!! God intervened & caused the bullet to shatter into thin air. As I looked at the bullet shattering, it began to transform itself back together again.
The bullet turned AROUND & went in the direction of my enemy. I heard the Spirit of the Lord say at the beginning of Sept. that He is Diverting (distracting, changing, turning away) the plans of the enemy. God IS Diverting the plans of your enemies! Wait on the Lord! Great deliverance is coming. He gave GREAT deliverance to the children of Israel from Egypt. He can do the same with a Marriage, Finances, etc.

Your afflictions (sufferings) are breaking you down like gun powder (gun powder is very fine particles). The gases produced by burning gun powder generates (makes) enough pressure to propel (to push, to destroy) a bullet BUT not enough to destroy a gun barrel. You are the gun barrel. God has given you enough power (HEAT) to destroy your enemy. God's power (POWDER) is so consuming that it will be enough to destroy your enemy but He wont allow it to destroy you, the gun barrel. His power will sustain you. Speak His word & pray. It is your gun powder!!!

Exodus 3:7-10

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To God be the Glory,
Signed AKD